Protection Bono: find out how to get yours - Esporte a Motor

Bono de Protección: find out how to get yours

Find out how to access the Bono de Proteção and secure social benefits to strengthen your financial security. Find out more here.


O Bono de Protección is a benefit offered automatically by the Chilean government to vulnerable families who take part in the programme Chile Security and Opportunities.

It offers monthly financial aid for 24 months and, in addition to financial support, the programme provides social support to help families overcome their situation of vulnerability.

Main conclusions

  • The Bono de Protección offers continuous financial assistance.
  • The benefit is automatic for families participating in Chile Seguridades y Oportunidades, without the need for an additional application.
  • Families must be registered with the Social Housing Register (RSH) to be eligible.

What is the Protection Bonus?

O Bono de Protección is a monthly subsidy from the Chilean government for families in vulnerable situations. It is granted automatically to families participating in the Security and Opportunities Subsystem and that are registered in the Social Housing Register (RSH).


Its main objective is to promote social inclusion and reduce poverty, offering both financial support and social accompaniment.

The benefit is intended to cover essential expenses such as food and housing, and lasts for up to 24 months. The amount can vary according to family composition and other socio-economic characteristics.

Main features of the Bono de Proteção:

  • Duration24 months.
  • Automatic inclusion for families enrolled in the RSH and programme participants Security and Opportunities.
  • Ongoing social support to improve the family's autonomy and living conditions.

O Bono de Protección plays an essential role in the social protection network, guaranteeing dignity and a better quality of life for vulnerable families.

Who can apply for the Bono de Protección?

Eligibility for the Bono de Protección is automatic for families participating in the programme Chile Security and Opportunities and are duly registered with Social Housing Register (RSH).

There is no need to formally apply for the benefit, as it is granted directly to families who meet the established criteria.

It is important to emphasise that the benefit is aimed at the most vulnerable groups in society, including families with children, the elderly or people with disabilities.

Eligibility criteria:

  1. Participation in Chile Seguridades y Oportunidades: Inclusion in the bonus is automatic for families who are part of this programme.
  2. Be registered with the Social Registry of Homes (RSH)The RSH is the system that assesses the socio-economic situation of families and defines their eligibility for the benefit.
  3. Residence in ChileOnly residents of Chile can receive the benefit.
  4. Social vulnerabilityThe focus is on supporting families in a more vulnerable state, including those with children, the elderly or people with disabilities.

Understanding these criteria is essential to ensure that aid reaches those who need it most, providing financial and social support.

Social benefits of the Protection Bonus

O Bono de Protección offers a series of social benefits that have a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable families.

As well as providing monthly financial aid, the programme also contributes to the security and stability of these families over 24 months, covering basic needs such as food and housing, especially during periods of unemployment or economic crises.

Financial aid for families

The benefit ensures that families have the resources to maintain a dignified life. The amount of the benefit varies according to family composition, but it is essential for reducing economic hardship and improving quality of life.

With this support, families can meet basic expenses, relieving financial pressure.

How the programme promotes financial security

O Bono de Protección is part of a larger social security strategy, guaranteeing a minimum income for vulnerable families during crises.

This allows for greater financial stability and faster recovery from adverse situations.

The programme is an important part of the transition from emergency measures to lasting social protection policies.

Documentation required for the Bono de Protección

For Bono de ProtecciónYou don't need to submit any extra documents to apply for the benefit.

Eligible families are identified automatically by the government on the basis of information from the Social Housing Register (RSH) and participation in the programme Chile Security and Opportunities. In this way, the process is simple and agile, with no need for additional bureaucracy.

How to take part in the programme Chile Security and Opportunities?

To access Bono de Protección and other social benefits, you must first be registered with the Security and Opportunities Subsystem. The process for participating is as follows:

  1. Registration with the Social Housing Registry (RSH)The first step is to register with the RSH. This registration assesses the family's socio-economic situation and determines its classification.
  2. Socio-economic evaluationBased on the information in the RSH, the government assesses whether the family meets the vulnerability criteria.
  3. Contacting Social AssistanceIf eligible, the family will be invited to take part in the Chile Seguridades y Oportunidades programme and will be accompanied by a social assistance professional.
  4. Personalised follow-upThe programme offers support with guidance and social accompaniment to promote autonomy and improve the family's socio-economic situation.
  5. Receipt of BenefitsOnce included in the programme, the family begins to receive benefits such as the Bono de Protección.

For more details on Bono de Protección, consult the official government website.

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Government Assistance and Support Programme

O Bono de Protección is part of a set of social programmes offered by the Chilean government. As well as financial aid, the programme offers guidance and accompaniment with the aim of improving families' economic and social conditions.

Additional features offered by the programme include:

  • Education and employment: Guidance to increase qualifications and employability.
  • Continuous social support: Personalised support to face social and economic challenges.
  • Financial subsidiesDiscounts on electricity, water and gas bills, transport aid and educational resources.

Tips for making the most of your welfare benefits

If you receive Bono de ProtecciónBy using the benefit with planning, you can make a big difference to your family. Here are some strategic tips for optimising its use:

  1. Financial planningCreate a monthly budget to cover essential expenses such as food and housing.
  2. Improve your skills: Take advantage of training courses offered by the government to increase your chances of employability.
  3. Community participationGet involved in local initiatives that offer additional support, such as job fairs and health programmes.
  4. Combine benefitsResearch other government subsidies to maximise the support you receive.
  5. Education and qualificationInvest part of the benefit in courses or education to improve your future conditions.

Impact of the Bono de Proteção on the community

O Bono de Protección has a significant positive impact, promoting financial security and quality of life for vulnerable families.

It also strengthens local economies, stimulating consumption and job creation.

The benefit contributes directly to reducing poverty by guaranteeing access to essential services such as health and education, allowing families to invest in their children's future and the development of their communities.


O Bono de Protección is an essential opportunity for vulnerable families in Chile. It offers financial and social support, promoting a more dignified and stable life.

Understanding how the benefit works and who can access it is key to making the most of this assistance.

Active participation in the programme not only improves individual conditions, but also strengthens communities, promoting sustainable social development.

Read also: All about Bono by Hijo


What is the Protection Bonus?

O Bono de Protección is a financial benefit offered automatically by the Chilean government to vulnerable families through the Chile Seguridades y Oportunidades programme.

Who can receive the Bono de Protección?

Vulnerable families participating in Chile Seguridades y Oportunidades, including those with children, the elderly or people with disabilities.

What documents are needed for the Bono de Protección?

No additional documents are required. The benefit is granted automatically on the basis of the data in the Social Housing Register.

How do I receive the Bono de Protección?

The benefit is paid automatically to families who meet the criteria established by the government.

What are the social benefits of the Bono de Protección?

In addition to financial aid, the programme offers ongoing social support, promoting autonomy and social inclusion.

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