All about the Winter Bono - Esporte a Motor

All about the Winter Bono

Find out about the Chilean winter bonus and who is entitled to this financial help to face the cold. Find out here!


The cold months of the year bring the need to warm the body and the heart. Many Chilean families face cold weather and financial difficulties. O winter bonnet is a light at the end of the tunnel, offering winter financial aid.

To lighten the load, the Winter Bono offers financial support to low-income elderly people aged 65 and over, helping them to cope with the additional costs of the cold weather.

Main points to highlight

  • O Winter Bono is an essential aid during the cold months.
  • It is intended to support elderly people aged 65 and over who receive a low-income pension.
  • Financial aid is paid automatically, without the need to apply.
  • The benefit is granted annually and aims to ensure greater well-being for the elderly during the winter.

What is the winter bonus?

O Winter Bono is a government programme that offers an additional annual payment to elderly people receiving low-income pensions.


This payment is granted automatically during the winter and is integrated into the beneficiaries' monthly pension.

You don't need to make any requests or provide any additional documents, as the government automatically identifies the beneficiaries.

Importance of financial aid

O Winter Bono plays a crucial role in the lives of low-income elderly people.

During the winter, electricity and heating costs can rise considerably, which can be a financial burden for those on limited incomes.

The benefit provides financial relief, helping to ensure that the elderly can cover these expenses without compromising other basic needs.

DefinitionA government programme to support elderly people aged 65 and over during the winter.
PurposeOffer financial support to cover energy and heating costs.
ImportanceIt contributes to poverty reduction and improves the quality of life of families.

Who is entitled to the winter bonus?

The beneficiaries of Winter Bono are:

  • Elderly people aged 65 and over.
  • Pensioners who receive a low-income pension, according to the criteria defined by the Chilean government.

The benefit is granted automatically to those who meet these criteria. There is no need to provide documentation or apply for the benefit, as it is credited directly to the pensioners' account.

Winter bonus requirements

The payment of Winter Bono is done automatically for beneficiaries who meet the age and income criteria.

There is no need to present ID, CPF or any other document, as the Chilean social security system already has this information.

Payments are made at the start of the winter season.

How to apply for the winter bonus

O Winter Bono does not require an application. It is paid automatically to all low-income pensioners aged 65 or over who meet the requirements set by the Chilean government. There is no need to fill in forms or send additional documents.

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Winter payment: when and how will it be made?

O Winter Bono is paid once a year, during the winter months. The Chilean government sets a payment schedule, which is publicised in advance to ensure that beneficiaries know when they will receive the additional amount.

The payment is made together with the monthly pension.

How the aid is received

Bank deposit: The most common and efficient method for receiving.

Other optionsIn some cases, cheques can be used or withdrawals made at branches for those who do not have a bank account.

Information about winter bono

It's very important to know information about winter bono to understand the aid well. You can find accurate and up-to-date data at reliable sources. This helps you to be well informed and ready to use the benefit.

Winter financial aid: other benefits available

In addition to Winter BonoThe Chilean government offers other support programmes for low-income families during the winter.

These programmes can include subsidies for electricity bills, food aid and home heating programmes.

These initiatives help to ensure that the most vulnerable groups have the resources they need to face the harsh weather conditions.

Complementary programmes to the Bono de Invierno

Complementary programmes include:

  • Subsidies for electricity bills: Reduction in energy tariffs for low-income families.
  • Monthly food allowances: Offers additional support for buying food during the winter months.
  • Heating programmes: Helps cover heating costs to ensure a comfortable and safe environment at home.


O Winter Bono plays a key role in supporting low-income elderly people during the winter months in Chile.

As well as providing financial relief, it helps to ensure that beneficiaries can cope with the increased costs associated with low temperatures, while maintaining dignity and well-being.

It is important to be aware that the benefit is granted automatically and that beneficiaries do not need to worry about requesting payment.

Over the years, this benefit has been essential to reducing the financial difficulties faced by many elderly people in Chile, and its relevance only increases as the cost of living rises.

Read also: All about Bono por Hijo


What is the winter bonus?

O Winter Bono is an annual benefit offered by the Chilean government to help low-income elderly people cover additional expenses during the winter, such as heating and electricity.

Who is entitled to the winter bonus?

Pensioners aged 65 or over who receive low-income pensions, according to the criteria established by the government.

Do I need to apply for the Bono de Invierno?

No. The benefit is granted automatically to everyone who qualifies, without the need to apply or submit any documents.

When is the Bono de Invierno paid?

The payment is made once a year during the winter months, usually in May, along with the pension payment.

How do I get the Bono de Invierno?

The payment is integrated into the monthly pension and can be received via bank deposit, electronic transfer or cheque, depending on the usual method of receiving the pension.

How much is the Bono de Invierno?

The amount is set annually by the Chilean government and paid in a lump sum to all beneficiaries.

Are there any other complementary programmes to Bono de Invierno?

Yes, apart from Winter BonoThere are other complementary programmes, such as subsidies for electricity bills and monthly food allowances.

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