All about Bono por Hijo - Motor Sport

All about Bono by Hijo

Find out how to receive Bono por Hijo, the Chilean government benefit for women. Find out the requirements and how to apply.


O Bono by Hijo is a Chilean government social security benefit designed to increase the value of pensions for women who are mothers, whether of biological or adopted children.

The aim is to improve the financial security of these women during retirement, recognising the impact that motherhood has on their professional lives.

Key Points

  • O Bono by Hijo is aimed at mothers, both biological and adoptive.
  • Its aim is to increase the pension of women in the individual capitalisation system (AFP).
  • It is not a direct aid to children's education or health.
  • It recognises the role of mothers and helps improve their quality of life in retirement.

What is Bono por Hijo?

O Bono by Hijo is not immediate financial aid for Chilean families with young children, as many might think.


It is a social security benefit for women who have had children, whether biological or adopted, and who contribute to the individual capitalisation pension system (AFP).

The amount of the benefit is added to the mothers' pension when they retire, based on the number of children they had.

This programme aims to recognise the care work that mothers do, often unpaid, by increasing the value of their pensions and guaranteeing a more dignified retirement.

As a result, the Bono by Hijo contributes to reducing gender inequality in the social security system.

Chilean Government Benefit

O Bono by Hijo is an important measure in Chilean social policy to improve women's pensions.

Contrary to what is often misinterpreted, it is not immediate financial aid for families in vulnerable situations.

It focuses on ensuring that retired mothers have a more adequate pension, offering financial recognition for the role they played as carers.

Requirements to receive Bono por Hijo

To be eligible for the Bono by HijoIn order to receive the benefit, the woman must fulfil a series of conditions set by the Chilean government. This benefit is not automatic and depends on factors related to age, retirement status and the social security system to which the person is linked. Here are the main requirements:

Being a woman and a mother:

O Bono by Hijo is exclusive to women who are mothers, whether of biological or adopted children. The condition of motherhood is a fundamental criterion for granting the benefit. Men or other primary carers are not entitled to this benefit.

Retirement age:

To request the Bono by HijoIn order to qualify for the benefit, a woman must have reached the legal retirement age in Chile, which is 65 for women. The benefit cannot be applied for before reaching this age, except in cases of early retirement due to disability.

Retirement through the AFP system (Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones):

The benefit is granted exclusively to women who retire under the individual capitalisation system (AFP). This means that those who are linked to other social security systems, such as the old pay-as-you-go system or the public sector, are not entitled to this benefit. Bono by Hijo.

Nationality or legal residence in Chile:

The benefit is granted to both Chilean and foreign women living in Chile, as long as they fulfil the requirements for retirement under the AFP system. Foreign women must be legally resident in the country in order to access the benefit.

Registering children:

In order to include the benefit in the pension, children must be formally registered. This requires the presentation of birth certificates or adoption documents. Each child must be duly registered with the relevant authorities in order for the corresponding amount to be calculated.

Children's date of birth:

The value of the Bono by Hijo is calculated based on the date of birth of each child. The calculation takes into account 10% of 18 minimum wages in force at the time of the child's birth, and it is important that mothers prove the correct date with official documents.

Start of request:

The Bono by Hijo must be paid at the time of retirement. However, the benefit is retroactive to the day the woman turned 65, provided she has formalised her retirement through the AFP system. The benefit also applies to women who retire due to disability.

Required documents

To guarantee the benefit, it is essential to present the correct documentation when applying for it. The documentation required may vary, but generally includes:

  • Identity document (Chilean identity card or passport in the case of foreign residents).
  • Children's birth certificates or adoption documents proving maternity.
  • Proof of residence in Chilein the case of foreigners.
  • Proof of retirement through the AFP systemto validate that the woman retired under the individual capitalisation system.

These documents must be up-to-date and correctly presented so that there are no delays in analysing and granting the benefit.

How do I apply?

Request the Bono by Hijo is a process that requires attention to detail and fulfilment of all the established requirements. Below is a step-by-step guide to help women who are entitled to the benefit to apply efficiently and without setbacks.

1. Prepare the necessary documentation

Before starting the application process, it is essential to gather all the required documents. Correct and complete documentation is essential to avoid delays or complications in the process. The main documents include:

  • Identity document (Chilean identity card or passport for foreigners): Make sure the document is up-to-date and valid.
  • Children's birth certificates or adoption papersThese prove maternity and are essential for calculating the value of the Bono by Hijo.
  • Proof of retirement through the AFP system: Shows that the woman is registered in the individual capitalisation system.
  • Other documents required by the AFP systemCheck with the agency responsible what other documents may be required, such as proof of residence for foreigners.

2. Start the request

The application process Bono by Hijo can be done in different ways, depending on the applicant's preference and the options available at the time. The main ways to initiate the request are:

  • In person: Visit a Social Forecasting Institute (IPS) or the office of the Pension Fund Administrator (AFP) where you are registered. They will be able to guide you through the process and review the documentation.
  • OnlineIn some cases, the application can be initiated through the online portal of the AFP to which the woman is affiliated. Check if this option is available and get ready to scan and send the necessary documents.
  • TelephoneSome AFPs offer telephone assistance, where you can start the application process and get detailed information on the next steps.

3. Fill in the application form

Whether online or in person, you'll need to fill in a specific form to request the Bono by Hijo. This form will ask for personal information, details about your children and your retirement situation. Make sure you fill in all the fields accurately to avoid errors that could delay processing.

  • Basic informationName, date of birth, identity number and other personal details.
  • Details about the childrenNames, dates of birth and documentation proving maternity or adoption.
  • Contact informationProvide up-to-date contact details so that the government or AFP can communicate with you about the status of your application.

4. Review and send the request

After filling in the form, carefully review all the information provided and check that the documentation is correct and complete. Errors or missing documents can delay the approval of the benefit.

  • Data verification: Make sure all the fields are filled in correctly.
  • SubmissionSubmit the form and documentation via the channel of your choice (online or in person). If you are doing the process in person, the attendant will review everything before confirming the submission.

5. Track the status of the request

Once you've submitted your application, it's important to monitor the status of the process to make sure there are no problems or delays. You can do this in different ways:

  • OnlineMost AFPs offer an online portal where you can check the status of your application. This allows you to follow the process in real time.
  • TelephoneCall AFP customer service for updates on the progress of your order.
  • In personIf you prefer, you can visit the branch where you applied to check the status directly with an agent.

6. Receiving the benefit

Once the request is approved, the amount of the Bono by Hijo will be incorporated into your individual capitalisation account at AFP, increasing the value of your pension. This amount will be paid monthly with your pension. The benefit is for life, guaranteeing a constant increase in your income.

  • Notification of approvalYou will receive a notification informing you that the application has been approved and payments have begun.
  • ReadjustmentsThe amount of the benefit will be adjusted automatically according to the calculation based on the minimum wages in force at the time of the children's birth.

Useful tips to speed up the process

To ensure that the application process Bono by Hijo goes smoothly, follow these tips:

  • Check the documentation in advance: Make sure that all the necessary documents are up to date and in order before starting the application.
  • Monitor status regularlyFollow the progress of your order to quickly resolve any problems or delays that may arise.
  • Contact customer serviceIf you have questions or encounter problems, contact AFP or IPS customer service for advice.

Bonus amount

The value of the Bono by Hijo is calculated on the basis of 10% of 18 minimum wages (at the date of birth of each child). This amount is added to the mother's individual capitalisation account, increasing her pension for life. The calculation does not vary according to the family's economic situation or the number of children.

The amount is updated by the Ministry of Finance, taking into account various economic factors. This keeps the bonus amount relevant and adjusted to the needs of Chilean families.

Number of childrenBonus amount (in CLP)
4 or moreFrom 160,000

It's crucial to keep an eye on government news and publications to find out about changes to the bonus amount. So you and your family can enjoy this financial support important.

Bono per Hijo payment deadline

O payment term do Bono por Hijo is organised by the Chilean government. It takes place on specific dates throughout the year. It is crucial to know the regular payment date to avoid problems.

Regular payment date

Payments are made monthly, on fixed dates. This helps with financial organisation. For more information on how to apply, see here.

Possible delays and their causes

Despite the timetable, possible delays can happen. They are caused by administrative problems, system failures or revisions to documentation. The government works to communicate and resolve these problems quickly.

Cause of DelayDescription
Administrative problemsErrors in processing requests, which can delay payments.
System failuresInstabilities in the payment platform, preventing the transfer of funds.
Documentation reviewRe-evaluation of documents required, which can delay confirmation of the benefit.

Who is entitled to the bonus?

O Bono by Hijo is exclusively for women who are mothers, retired by the individual capitalisation system (AFP). It is not a general benefit for families with young children or those in social vulnerability. See more details on the programme's official website.

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How Chile Crece Contigo relates to Bono

Although the programme Chile Grows With You has an important role to play in supporting child development, it is not directly linked to the Bono by Hijo.

O Chile Grows With You focuses on the health, education and well-being of children and families, while the Bono by Hijo focuses on increasing pensions for retired mothers.


O Bono by Hijo is an essential programme in Chile to improve the retirement of women who are mothers.

Contrary to what many people believe, it doesn't provide direct financial support for children's education or health, but rather supplements mothers' retirement income.

It is an important tool in the fight for gender equality and for improving the living conditions of retired women in the country.

Read also: All about the winter Bono


Who is entitled to Bono por Hijo?

All mothers living in Chile, whether biological or adoptive, who retire under the AFP system.

Is the benefit paid directly after birth?

No. It is credited to the individual capitalisation account when you retire.

How much do I get for Bono por Hijo?

It is equivalent to 10% of 18 minimum wages per child.

Does this amount increase my pension?

Yes, the benefit increases the pension balance.

Does it affect the retirement age?

No, the benefit is accessed at the regular retirement age.

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