Unified National Competition: Highest Salaries - Motor Sport

Unified National Competition: Highest Salaries

Discover the most attractive salaries in the Unified National Competition and see which vacancies offer the highest salaries


One of the main reasons for taking the civil service exam is the stability that a public post offers. But another great advantage is the high salaries, which can reach almost 23,000 reais.

The arrival of the Unified National Competition has brought a new perspective to the competition and attracted the attention of thousands more candidates, and promises to be one of the great milestones of 2024 with more than 6,000 vacancies available.

The Unified National Competition, or CNU, is nothing more than a reformulation of Brazilian public competitions, seeking to simplify them, make them impartial and guarantee equal opportunities.


First proposed in 2024, the CNU proposes simultaneous competitions in all states to fill vacancies in public bodies, with the aim of standardising procedures and improving selection criteria.

With the exams scheduled for 5 May 2024 in 220 Brazilian cities, the revamped competition has a variety of public bodies taking part, offering a diverse range of vacancies.

In this article you'll learn about all the careers and the number of vacancies available, divided between each of the participating organisations, as well as the 10 highest salaries.

In short, the CNU offers not only attractive salaries, but also a unique chance to enter the federal civil service in a broad and fair way.

Read on to find out about the highest salaries the competition can offer, and see all the vacancies available according to the public notice published by the Federal Government!

Unified National Competition

The Unified National Competition (CNU), also known as the "Enem dos Concursos", represents the reformulation of public competitions in Brazil, aimed at simplification, impartiality and the guarantee of equal opportunities.

The CNU proposes holding simultaneous competitions in all states to fill vacancies in public bodies, standardising procedures and improving selection criteria.

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The call for applications, published on 10 January 2024, details the places available, requirements and timetable, with online applications from 19 January to 9 February 2024. The CPNU offers 6,640 places in eight thematic blocks, covering various areas.

The exams will take place in 220 Brazilian cities on 5 May 2024, seeking to democratise access and allow candidates to compete for places in different regions of the country.

See more details about the CNU: All about the Unified National Competition

Organisations and vacancies

See which public bodies have joined the CNU and the vacancies available by career:

Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services - MGI

  • Specialists in Public Policy and Government Management (EPPGG): 150 vacancies
  • Infrastructure Analyst (AIE): 300 vacancies
  • Social Policy Technical Analyst (ATPS): 360 vacancies
  • Information Technology Analyst (ATI): 300 vacancies
  • Technical-Administrative Analyst: 190 vacancies
  • Economist: 27 vacancies
  • Psychologist: 2 vacancies
  • Statistician: 12 vacancies
  • Media Technician: 10 vacancies
  • Educational Affairs Technician: 2 vacancies
  • Archivist: 16 vacancies
  • Architect: 14 vacancies
  • Engineer: 68 vacancies
  • Librarian: 4 vacancies
  • Accountant: 5 vacancies
  • Doctor: 20 vacancies

Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services - MDIC

  • Foreign Trade Analyst (ACE): 50 vacancies
  • Technical-Administrative Analyst: 50 vacancies
  • Economist: 10 vacancies

National Waterway Transport Agency - ANTAQ

  • Specialist in the Regulation of Waterway Transport Services: 30 vacancies

National Electricity Agency - ANEEL

  • Specialist in the Regulation of Public Energy Services: 40 vacancies

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock - MAPA & National Meteorological Institute - INMET

  • Federal Agricultural Tax Auditor: 200 vacancies
  • Science and Technology Analyst: 40 vacancies
  • Technologist: 40 vacancies
  • Agricultural agent: 100 vacancies
  • Sanitary and industrial inspection agent for products of animal origin: 100 vacancies
  • Laboratory technician: 40 vacancies

National Institute for Colonisation and Agrarian Reform - INCRA

  • Administrative Analyst: 137 vacancies
  • Agrarian Reform and Development Analyst: 446 vacancies
  • Agricultural Engineer: 159 vacancies

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - MCTI

  • Science and Technology Analyst: 296 vacancies

Ministry of Human Rights - MDH

  • Social Policy Technical Analyst (ATPS): 40 vacancies

Ministry of Education - MEC

  • Social Policy Technical Analyst (ATPS): 70 vacancies

National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples - FUNAI

  • Specialised Indigenist: 152 vacancies
  • Administrator: 26 vacancies
  • Anthropologist: 19 vacancies
  • Architect: 1 vacancy
  • Archivist: 1 vacancy
  • Social Worker: 21 vacancies
  • Librarian: 6 vacancies
  • Accountant: 12 vacancies
  • Economist: 24 vacancies
  • Engineer: 20 vacancies
  • Agricultural Engineer: 31 vacancies
  • Forestry Engineer: 2 vacancies
  • Statistician: 1 vacancy
  • Geographer: 4 vacancies
  • Psychologist: 6 vacancies
  • Sociologist: 12 vacancies
  • Educational Affairs Technician: 2 vacancies
  • Indigenous Agent: 152 vacancies
  • Media Technician: 10 vacancies

Ministry of Health - MS

  • Technologist: 220 vacancies

Ministry of Justice and Public Security - MJSP

  • Technical Administrative Analyst: 100 vacancies
  • Social Policy Technical Analyst (ATPS): 30 vacancies

Ministry of Labour and Employment - TEM

  • Labour Inspector (AFT): 900 vacancies

National Supplementary Pension Scheme Superintendence - PREVIC

  • Administrative Analyst: 15 vacancies
  • Supplementary Pension Specialist: 25 vacancies

National Supplementary Health Agency - ANS

  • Specialist in Supplementary Health Regulation: 35 vacancies

Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE

  • Planning, Management and Infrastructure Analyst in Geographic Information and Statistics: 275 vacancies
  • Geographic Information and Statistics Technologist: 312 vacancies
  • Researcher in Geographic Information and Statistics: 8 vacancies
  • Geographical and Statistical Information Technician: 300 vacancies

Federal Attorney General's Office - AGU

  • Administrator: 154 vacancies
  • Architect: 5 vacancies
  • Archivist: 2 vacancies
  • Technical-Administrative Analyst: 90 vacancies
  • Accountant: 47 vacancies
  • Economist: 35 vacancies
  • Engineer: 18 vacancies
  • Statistician: 7 vacancies
  • Doctor: 3 vacancies
  • Psychologist: 10 vacancies
  • Educational Affairs Technician: 20 vacancies
  • Media Technician: 9 vacancies

Ministry of Indigenous Peoples - MPI

  • Technical-Administrative Analyst: 30 vacancies

Ministry of Planning and Budget - MPO

  • Technical-Administrative Analyst: 45 vacancies
  • Economist: 15 vacancies

Ministry of Culture - MinC

  • Technical-Administrative Analyst: 50 vacancies

National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira - INEP

  • Researcher-Technologist in Educational Information and Evaluation: 50 vacancies

You can check all the details of the public notice and the number of vacancies on the Federal Government's official website.

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Top 10 highest salaries

  1. Labour Inspector: R$ 22,921.71
  2. Specialist in Public Policy and Government Management: R$ 20,924.80
  3. Foreign Trade Analyst: R$ 20,924.80
  4. Specialist in Public Services Regulation: R$ 16,413.35
  5. Auditor-Federal Agricultural Inspector: R$ 15,897.33
  6. Specialist in Supplementary Pensions: R$ 14,010.09
  7. Infrastructure Analyst: R$ 12,982.20
  8. Administrative Analyst: R$ 12,953.29
  9. Information Technology Analyst: R$ 11,150.80
  10. Researcher in Geographical Information and Statistics (Demography): R$ 10,453.94
  11. Researcher in Geographical Information and Statistics (Geography/Statistics): R$ 10,233.67

Get ready for the CNU

If you registered for the Unified National Competition between 19 January and 9 February 2024, you must be looking forward to the exam, which will take place on 5 May 2024.

The preliminary results are expected to be published on 3 June, with the final results available by 30 July, and the call-ups scheduled to begin on 5 August.

Now it's time to focus on your studies, revise the public notices and understand the specific requirements of each position, while respecting the established deadlines.

In short, the Unified National Competition not only offers competitive salaries, but also represents a unique opportunity to enter the federal civil service in a comprehensive and equitable manner.

So get ready for the CNU and keep up to date with the processes and schedules published on the Federal Government's website. Good luck!

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Clara Fonseca
Clara Fonseca
Artigos: 37