Receivables: consulting forgotten money - Esporte a Motor

Receivables: consulting forgotten money

See how the Bacen Receivables system works and learn how to consult it to find out if you have any forgotten money.


Every year thousands of reais in monetary assets are forgotten by their holders in bank accounts, investment accounts and even government bonds because they simply ignore this fact.

Whether due to disorganisation, lack of knowledge or even the death of the holder of these assets, many people find it difficult to search for and request the return of these assets, resulting in the amount of money forgotten increasing every year.

In an attempt to get round this situation, Bacen recently made the Receivables service available, which has made life much easier for people and inventors since all the information is consolidated using the CPF of the asset owners.


As we'll see later on, this Service Receivables (or simply SVR) makes it possible to identify possible unclaimed or even unexpected financial assets in any bank or financial institution.

And in the event of any amount being discovered, the system provides instructions for recovering this money forgotten by its holders simply and quickly.

And best of all: the enquiry and refund request can be repeated without having to leave your home and waste time.

So read on to find out the details and step-by-step instructions for making enquiries and requesting the return of any money forgotten by Bacen's SVR.

How receivables work

Valores a Receivable is a free service that consolidates a huge database of various public and private organisations in the market and thus facilitates access to information and the recovery of large volumes of money forgotten by their owners.

The SVR currently allows you to check if you have any forgotten money and also to search for loved ones, even if they have passed away.

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Especially in the case of raising possible amounts to be received by deceased loved ones, the task was usually quite challenging and it was not uncommon for the executor of the estate to be unable to carry out a very comprehensive search.

But now with Valores a Receber everything is simpler and easier. Thank you Bacen!

How to find out if I have forgotten money

Now you'll need to access the SVR. Follow this step by step:

  1. Access official website of the Receivables System;
  2. Fill in the form with the information requested, including full name, CPF, date of birth, etc;
  3. On the next screen, and if the SVR finds any forgotten money, it will list all the financial institutions and the total amounts they hold.
  4. For each of the financial institutions where you find amounts receivable, you will see specific information on how to apply for a refund.

How not to forget my money

Organisation is the key word here. To do this, keep a list of all your bank accounts and investment accounts in your name. Also include consortiums, insurance and other securities.

Nowadays, with the ease of opening a current account with digital banks, people tend to have many more current accounts than they used to. So get organised.

Ideally, from time to time you should consolidate all your resources in just one or two financial institutions and request the closure of any excess current accounts.

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Is it worth using SVR?

Absolutely! Everyone here in the Esporte a Motor newsroom has already tested the Valores a Receber service and in general everyone really enjoyed the experience. The only thing they didn't like was that nobody had any forgotten money to collect... In fact, one of the team found R$0.50 in an old motorbike consortium and requested a refund via PIX...

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Clara Fonseca
Clara Fonseca
Artigos: 37