CNH Social: find out how to apply - Esporte a Motor

CNH Social: find out how to apply

Find out all about the Social Driver's Licence programme and how to apply for it so you can get your long-awaited driver's licence.


If you've been dreaming of getting your licence but the budget is tight and you have to postpone your desire every year, there is a way for you to secure your CNH completely free of charge.

The CNH Social, also known as the CNH Gratuita or CNH Popular, is a social project aimed at the training and professional qualification of drivers of motor vehicles, including cars and motorbikes.

The programme's main focus is on low-income people, seeking to provide them with the opportunity to acquire a National Driver's Licence free of charge and to train them for job vacancies that require this qualification.


It's important to note that, although it's a government programme, the CNH Social is not federal, but state-based. You therefore need to check whether the state in which you live covers this benefit.

The initiative mainly aims to provide opportunities for low-income citizens to enter the labour market as app drivers, delivery drivers or private drivers, thus contributing to their professional inclusion.

Within the CNH Social programme, candidates have the option of obtaining categories A (motorbikes) and B (cars), as well as the possibility of renewing or changing category (this may vary according to the state).

To apply and be approved for the programme, you need to meet certain requirements. Among the criteria adopted are: being over 18, being a beneficiary of the Bolsa Família or another government social programme, among other requirements that may vary according to the state.

Below, we'll give you more information about the process and the requirements needed to benefit from the CNH Social programme and win the much-desired National Driver's Licence.

CNH Social: what is it?

The CNH Social is a government initiative aimed at facilitating access to the National Driver's Licence for low-income individuals. This programme offers the opportunity to obtain a licence free of charge, allowing you to choose between categories A (motorbike) or B (car).

By eliminating the costs associated with obtaining a driver's licence, the initiative seeks to promote social inclusion and facilitate the mobility of low-income people, expanding their opportunities in the labour market.

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Although it is a programme that has made significant progress, the fact that it is not a federal initiative means that not all states offer the benefit yet, but it is possible that in the near future it will be possible to apply for it throughout Brazil.

As it is not federal, the criteria for participation may vary from state to state, so it is advisable to check that your information is up to date with the Detran and other traffic services in your city.

And, if the beneficiary fulfils the necessary prerequisites and is approved, they are exempt from the significant costs associated with obtaining the CNH, including:

  • Detran fees related to the CNH;
  • Necessary medical examinations;
  • Costs related to theoretical and practical classes;
  • Driving tests.


Although the criteria may vary depending on the city and state, some requirements are common to all of them:

  • Be over 18 years old.
  • Know how to read and write.
  • Proof of low income (limited to two minimum wages per family)
  • Reside in the state offering the programme (provide proof of residence).
  • Have been unemployed for at least a year.
  • Be a beneficiary of Bolsa Família or another social income programme.
  • Be registered with the NIS (Social Registration Number).
  • Have up-to-date CadÚnico registration.
  • If you are an ex-convict, you must not have an income of more than two minimum wages.
  • No history of traffic offences.
  • If you are still a student, you need to be in regular attendance and perform well.

Documents required

Among the important documents, you must present:

  • CPF and ID;
  • Updated Single Registry;
  • Proof of address.

Criteria for selecting candidates

  • Preference for applicants with lower per capita income;
  • Candidates with large families have priority;
  • Complete primary education;
  • Be registered with CadÚnico and beneficiaries of other social programmes;

Important! In the event of a tie, priority will go to whoever registered first, so don't waste any time.

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How to register for the programme

If you meet the requirements and fit the criteria to obtain your Social Driver's Licence, check the official website of your state's Department of Motor Vehicles to find out about the specific criteria and registration dates. In general, in order to enrol, you will need to provide information during the process:

  • NIS
  • CPF
  • Document with date of birth
  • Proof of income for those living with you
  • Full address
  • Mum's full name

During enrolment, you will have the option of choosing between the modalities:

  • First licence
  • Renew your driver's licence
  • Add new categories to your CNH
  • Change category

Detran website

To enrol on the Detran website, go to the one specific to your state. To find out, just search for "Detran" plus the acronym of your state, for example: Detran SP, Detran MG, Detran RJ. This way you will be redirected to your state's website.

  1. Access your state's Detran;
  2. Search for CNH Social (in some cases it may appear as CNH Popular, or CNH Gratuita)
  3. Check out the dates and registration periods.
  4. If your application is current, please submit it and wait for it to be analysed and approved.

Important! There is no registration fee for this process.

Read also: Detran Simulations App: see how to download

Is it worth signing up?

If you meet the selection criteria and the programme is available in your state, signing up for the CNH Social is a great way to get your long-awaited driving licence without having to shell out a penny.

In short, having a CNH is important for your personal and professional life, so if you have the opportunity to obtain this document free of charge, don't waste time and sign up for the CNH Social programme.

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Bianca Melo
Bianca Melo
Artigos: 36