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Get to know the Permanent Family Allowance

Find out all about the 2024 Permanent Family Allowance in Chile. Find out here how to apply and if you are entitled to this Chilean social benefit.


O Permanent Family Allowance is an annual financial aid from the Chilean government for low-income families.

This benefit is essential to support vulnerable families, especially in times of economic crisis and high inflation.

In 2024, the amount of the contribution will be 61,793 Chilean pesosThis is paid only once, usually in March.


Understanding social benefits in Chile is crucial for families who need financial support to cover essential expenses such as food and health.

Key Points to Consider

  • O Permanent Family Allowance is aimed at low-income families.
  • The benefit is intended to supplement income and help with essential expenses.
  • In 2024, financial aid will be more relevant due to inflation.
  • The Chilean government seeks to guarantee dignity and quality of life.
  • It's important to be aware of the requirements for claiming the benefit.

What is Permanent Family Support?

O Permanent Family Allowancepopularly known as Bono Marzois an annual financial assistance programme established by Law 21.210 in Chile.

It offers cash assistance to families in situations of socio-economic vulnerability, helping to reduce poverty and guarantee the well-being of children and dependents.

This benefit is part of the social protection system and aims to cover basic expenses such as food and clothing.

Payment is made automatically to those who are already enrolled in the government's social programmes, such as the Social Housing Register.

The importance of Permanent Family Support in 2024

In 2024, the Permanent Family Allowance is even more crucial due to the rise in inflation and the increase in the cost of living.

Financial support not only helps to meet families' daily needs, but also stimulates the local economy, as it promotes consumption in small businesses and services.

This benefit also contributes to promoting social equityThis will help to reduce inequalities and offer greater financial stability to vulnerable families.

Financial supportHelping vulnerable families meet basic needs
Economic revitalisationIncreased circulation of money in local commerce
Promoting social equityReducing inequality and improving quality of life

Permanent Family Support is a pillar for a fair and supportive society. It shows the government's commitment to its citizens, especially in difficult times.

Permanent Family Allowance Requirements

To have access to the Permanent Family Allowance, you must fulfil the following requirements specific requirements. Firstly, it is crucial to prove your residence in Chile. This ensures that only those who live in the country can receive the benefit.

It's also important to be within the stipulated income range. This range is based on your financial situation. The programme aims to help families in vulnerable situations.

Having minor children or dependents can affect your eligibility. You must provide proof of this. In addition, you must register these dependents with the Civil Registry.

For some groups of citizens, the documentation may be different. That's why it's important to know the permanent family support requirements that you need to fulfil.

When families find out about the bono marzo, there are often doubts about who is entitled. Knowing this information is essential to ensure that you are within the rules.

Residence in ChileProof of legal residence in the country.
IncomeBe within the stipulated income range.
DependentsHave minor children or dependants.
Civil RegistryBe registered in the Civil Registry system.
DocumentationNo additional documentation is required. The government system identifies eligible families automatically.

Who is entitled to the bono marzo?

The bono marzo is a benefit of the Permanent Family Allowance 2024. It helps families in financial difficulty. To qualify, you need to fulfil a number of conditions bono marzo requirements.

Families with children or dependents up to the age of 18 can qualify. Those who already have the contribution can also receive it.

A socio-economic analysis is carried out to see who needs the bonus the most. This helps ensure that the money goes to those who really need it. In this way, families improve their well-being.

If you want to know whether you're entitled to the bono marzo, it's important to understand the requirements. Knowing this can make the application process easier. That way, the families who need it most can receive the support they need.

Age of DependentsChildren or dependants up to the age of 18.
Receipt of ContributionBeneficiaries already enrolled in the Permanent Family Allowance.
Socio-economic analysisAssessment of the family context to determine eligibility.

Check the dates and official information to find out if you're eligible. That way, you won't miss out on the chance to receive this important benefit.

Permanent Family Support (example: Bono Marzo)

O bono marzo is an example of Permanent Family Allowance. In 2024, it was created to help Chilean families at the beginning of the year. It offers a financial aid Chile important.

With this support, the government wants to relieve financial pressure and encourage spending on essential items. Families who receive this benefit will have more money to spend. This helps to maintain a dignified life.

The benefits for families in Chile are very important. O Permanent Family Allowance example Bono Marzo shows that. It is crucial to guarantee this aid to meet the basic needs of the population.

PeriodBonus amountObjectives
First quarter of 202461,793 CLPSupporting family income and encouraging consumption of essential goods

This financial support improves families' lives. It reduces economic insecurity and brings more financial stability.

March bonus payment schedule

The payment of Bono Marzo usually takes place during the month of March, in a single deposit. The exact dates are publicised by the government on official platforms such as the ChileAtiende.

Online bono enquiry

A online bono consultation is a tool from support from the Chilean government. It helps make life easier for citizens. With it, you can check bono status march quickly and conveniently. You will receive information about your registration and the payment dates for the Permanent Family Allowance.

Using this enquiry brings transparency and helps you know the status of your order. To make your enquiry, follow the steps below:

  • Visit the official Chilean government portal for the bono marzo.
  • Enter your information, such as your ID number.
  • Check the status of your order and see if there are any outstanding issues.

These steps are important for keeping track of your Permanent Family Allowance. They help you to organise yourself financially. By check status bono marzoyou retain control over your rights and benefits.

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O Permanent Family Allowance is an essential tool for supporting the most vulnerable families in Chile. It not only relieves immediate financial pressures, but also strengthens the local economy. In 2024, with inflation high, the benefit will be even more relevant.

The Chilean government remains committed to ensuring that social policies protect families in vulnerable situations. This financial support is proof of its commitment to social development and equity.

Valuing social benefits shows the Chilean government's commitment to the development of society. In 2024, it is essential that families know about and use these resources. This helps to create an environment where everyone can thrive and live with dignity.

Read also: Bono de Protección: Learn How to Get Yours


What is Permanent Family Support?

O Permanent Family Allowance is the Chilean government's annual financial aid for low-income families.

What are the requirements to receive the Permanent Family Allowance?

Families need to be registered with the Social Housing Register and prove low income. The benefit is paid automatically.

How can I apply for the Permanent Family Allowance?

There is no need to apply. The benefit is granted automatically to eligible families.

Who is entitled to the March bonus?

Families with dependents up to the age of 18 who already participate in government social programmes.

What is the payment schedule for the March bonus in 2024?

Payment usually takes place in March. The exact dates are announced by the government.

How can I check my March bonus status online?

To check the status of the bono March online, use the official Chilean government portal. There you can check whether you are registered and the progress of your application.

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